In this Sample API query we will be accessing the data from the Projects API endpoint using PowerBI/ Excel and python and visualize the number of projects per sector in Nepal.
The API endpoint can be accessed by building a URL query in PowerBI or Microsoft Excel. In this example we will be accessing the data from the Projects API endpoint and parameter Country to Nepal. In order to access Projects in a specific country, you need to write the associated 3 letter ISO3 code (specifically, the Alpha-3 code).
So our URL for this specific search would look like this:
tells PowerBI (or any other service/tool referencing the API) to connect with the GO server. All of your API calls to GO will start with this as a base URL.v2/project/
refers to the latest version of the API. There are multiple data tables within the database and project tells GO to search for the table that stores projects data ( as opposed to , say appeals, or the deployments. See to see a full list of the available API
is the parameter that has been used to filter the projects in Nepal.Since the data is coming from a paginated API, we will be utilizing the method used on the Pagination page along with the authorization token.
// Get the parameter values
ParametersTable = Parameters,
Token = Table.SelectRows(ParametersTable, each [Column1] = "Token"){0}[Column2],
country = Table.SelectRows(ParametersTable, each [Column1] = "country_iso3"){0}[Column2],
BaseUrl = "",
PageSize = 50, // Number of items per page
// Construct the query based on parameter values
filter =
if country <> null then
"?country=" & Text.From(country)
"?" ,
GetPage = (page) =>
Url = BaseUrl & filter & "&limit=" & Text.From(PageSize) & "&offset=" & Text.From(page * PageSize),
Headers = if Token <> null then [#"Accept-Language"="en", #"Authorization"="Bearer " & Token] else [#"Accept-Language"="en"],
Response = Json.Document(Web.Contents(Url, [Headers=Headers])),
Results = Response[results]
CombineAllPages = List.Generate(
() => [Page = 0],
each List.Count(GetPage([Page])) > 0,
each [Page = [Page] + 1],
each GetPage([Page])
#"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList(CombineAllPages, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
#"Expanded Column1" = Table.ExpandListColumn(#"Converted to Table", "Column1")
#"Expanded Column1"
There are three icons that appear on the far left of the screen namely:
We can also change the visualization and select horizontal or vertical bar charts. We can also select stacked bar charts. In this case we can also drag another column/ field like programme_type into the legends field and visualize the projects in different sectors as per the programme type (bilateral or multilateral) (see below).
In this section, we will show how the data can be received from the Project API endpoint using python. Using the country parameter we will retrieve the Projects data for Nepal. We will be using Jupyter notebooks to implement the python code. Jupyter notebooks is a open source tool used for interactive computing, data analysis, data visualizing and machine learning. They provide an interactive cloud base interface that allows the users to create and share documents with code, equations, visualizations and text.
To access the data in python, the following libraries have to be imported.
For sending the HTTP request to the API endpoint.collections:
Provides specialized container data types that are alternatives to the built in data types like lists, tuples and dictionaries. These data types are more efficient and come with additional methods making your code more readable.matplotlib.pyplot:
Used for creating static and animated visuals in python.numpy:
Used for handling large and multidimensional arrays, thus facilitating data analysis.
import requests
from collections import Counter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
Now we will define a helper function named fetchProjects to query the API endpoint using requests library to retrieve a list of projects from a specific country. It construct a specific API requests with the specified country name, pagination parameters, and an authorization token. The function continues to make API requests until all the projects from the specified country have been retrieved. The fetched projects are accumulated in a list called all_results and then returned as a final output of the function.
def fetchProjects(country):
base_url = ""
offset = 0
page_size = 50
all_results = []
auth_token = "Your authorization token"
while True:
params = {
"country": country,
"offset": offset,
"limit": page_size
headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {auth_token}"
# Add other headers if needed
response = requests.get(base_url, params=params, headers=headers)
data = response.json()
projects = data.get("results", [])
if not projects:
# No more results, break the loop
# Add fetched projects to the results list
# Increment offset for the next page
offset += page_size
return all_results
Next we define another function named getDataFromProjects which takes a list of projects as an input. This function is used for processing the output of the previous function fetchProjects which gives list of number of projects in a country. Then each of these projects are processed to count the frequencies of primary sectors and program types. It then sorts the primary sectors by the number of projects in descending order. Finally it returns the frequency of sorted primary sectors and count of projects by program type.
def getDataFromProjects(projects):
primary_sector_counter = Counter()
sector_programme_counter = Counter()
for project in projects:
# Count projects by primary sector
primary_sector = project['primary_sector_display']
primary_sector_counter[primary_sector] += 1
programme_type = project['programme_type_display']
sector_programme_counter[programme_type] +=1
# Sort primary sectors by count in descending order
sorted_primary_sectors = dict(sorted(primary_sector_counter.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))
return sorted_primary_sectors, sector_programme_counter
Next we define two more functions named textwrap and plotPrimarySectors for plotting barcharts to display the number of projects in Nepal by primary sector. The textwrap function is used the wrap the x axis labels on the plot which are the names of primary sectors in the data. We also display the count of projects by primary sectors in Nepal above each bar in the plot.
import textwrap
def wrap_labels(labels, width=15):
wrapped_labels = [textwrap.fill(label, width) for label in labels]
return wrapped_labels
def plotPrimarySectors(primary_sectors_data):
labels, values = zip(*primary_sectors_data.items())
wrapped_labels = wrap_labels(labels)
custom_colors = ['#0d6abf', '#73361c', '#eb895f', '#893395', '#d64550', '#73361c', '#f0e199']
plt.figure(figsize=(10,6)), values, color=custom_colors, align='center')
for index, value in enumerate(values):
plt.text(index, value + 0.05, str(value), ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=10) # Display data labels on top of bars
plt.xlabel('Primary Sectors', fontsize=14)
plt.xticks(range(len(wrapped_labels)), wrapped_labels, rotation=0, ha='center', fontsize=11) # Wrap and set x-tick labels
plt.ylabel('Number of Projects', fontsize=14)
plt.title('Projects in Nepal by Sectors', fontsize=16)
The code below is used to call the functions defined before. In summary, the code below fetches a list of projects in Nepal. Then the list of projects obtained are processed using the getDataFromProjects function and the output is used to plot the distribution of projects across different primary sectors in Nepal using the plotPrimarySectors function. The sequence of steps allows for the retreieval, analysis and visualization of projects data specific to Nepal from the IFRC API.
projects = fetchProjects("NPL")
sorted_primary_sectors = getDataFromProjects(projects)[0]
programme_type = getDataFromProjects(projects)[1]
Next, we plot a grouped barchart to show the number of projects in Nepal by primary sector and program type. The function named projects_data_frames takes a list of projects as an input and creates a Dataframe with “Primary_sector_display” and "programme_type_display" as columns. It iterates through all the projects and extracts the specified columns, creates a dictionary for each project with the selected data and appends these dictionaries into a list. Finally this list of these dictionaries into pandas DataFrame and returns it as the output.
def projects_dataframe(all_results):
selected_columns = ["primary_sector_display", "programme_type_display"]
projects_data = []
for project in all_results:
selected_data = {key: project.get(key, None) for key in selected_columns}
return pd.DataFrame(projects_data)
df = projects_dataframe(projects)
For plotting we will be using another library called seaborn which makes it easier to plot grouped barcharts.
contains counts of projects for each unique combination of 'primary_sector_display' and 'programme_type_display'.sorted_df
sums up the counts of projects for each primary sector and sorts them in descending order based on the total count.We plot a grouped barchart using the sns.barplot function and then later on specify the X and Y axis labels along with the legend showing the program type.
import seaborn as sns
grouped_df = df.groupby(['primary_sector_display', 'programme_type_display']).size().reset_index(name='count')
sorted_df = grouped_df.groupby('primary_sector_display')['count'].sum().reset_index().sort_values(by='count', ascending=False)
custom_palette = [ "#d64550", "#eb895f"]
# Plot
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
sns.barplot(x='primary_sector_display', y='count', hue='programme_type_display',
data=grouped_df, palette=custom_palette,
dodge=False, order=sorted_df['primary_sector_display'])
# Wrap x tick labels
tick_labels = list(sorted_df['primary_sector_display'])
wrapped_labels = [textwrap.fill(label, width=15) for label in tick_labels]
plt.legend(loc='upper right', title='Program Type')
plt.xticks(tick_labels, wrapped_labels)
plt.xlabel("Primary Sectors", fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel("No. of projects", fontsize=14)
plt.title("Projects in Nepal by sectors", fontsize=16)