This page provides detailed instrcutions on making maps using Power BI and Python using data coming from the GO - API.
In this section we will using Mapbox tool in Power BI to show the number of deployments in African countries after 1st January 2020 using a Cloropleth map.
For getting the data, we will be using the GO API and retrieving data from the Personnel API endpoint.
The URL for accessing the data in Power BI looks like this:
tells Power BI to connect with the GO server. All of your API calls to GO will start with this base URL.v2/personnel/
refers to the latest version of the API. There are multiple data tables within the database and personnel tells GO to search for the table that stores personnel data (surge deployments).?start_date__gte=start_date__gte=2020-01-01T00%3A00%3A00Z
will retrieve the personnel data starting from 1st January 2020.Since data is coming from a paginated API, we will be utilizing the method used on the Pagination page along with authorization token to search and retreive data from all API pages.
To utilise IFRC Mapbox styles and tileset in Power BI follow the following steps to build your visualization accordingly.
Click on Transform data option under the Home ribbon to open the Power Query editor.
Click on New Source under the Home ribbon in the Power Query editor. Under the New Source option click on Blank Query option. This will create a new Query.
Right click on the query name to rename it. Here we will rename it as Personnel data.
After this click on Enter Data option under the Home ribbon to insert the authentication token and start date as follows:
Now click on the Advance editor under the Home ribbon and insert the follwoing m code in the dialog box.
// Get the parameter values
ParametersTable = Parameters,
Token = Table.SelectRows(ParametersTable, each [Column1] = "token"){0}[Column2],
country_from = Table.SelectRows(ParametersTable, each [Column1] = "country_from"){0}[Column2],
start_date__gte = Table.SelectRows(ParametersTable,each[Column1] = "start_date__gte"){0}[Column2],
BaseUrl = "",
PageSize = 50, // Number of items per page
// Construct the query based on parameter values
countryFilter =
if country_from <> null then
"?country_from=" & Text.From(country_from)
"" ,
dateFilter =
if start_date__gte <> null then
if Text.Length(countryFilter) > 0 then
"&start_date__gte=" & Text.From(start_date__gte)
"?start_date__gte=" & Text.From(start_date__gte)
GetPage = (page) =>
Url = BaseUrl & countryFilter & dateFilter &
(if Text.Length(countryFilter) > 0 or Text.Length(dateFilter) > 0 then "&" else "?") &
"limit=" & Text.From(PageSize) & "&offset=" & Text.From(page * PageSize),
Headers = if Token <> null then [#"Accept-Language"="en", #"Authorization"="Bearer " & Token] else [#"Accept-Language"="en"],
Response = Json.Document(Web.Contents(Url, [Headers=Headers])),
Results = Response[results]
CombineAllPages = List.Generate(
() => [Page = 0],
each List.Count(GetPage([Page])) > 0,
each [Page = [Page] + 1],
each GetPage([Page])
#"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList(CombineAllPages, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
#"Expanded Column1" = Table.ExpandListColumn(#"Converted to Table", "Column1")
#"Expanded Column1"
After inserting the code into the Advance Editor click on Done.
Next expand the Column 1 by clicking on the icon on the right side of the column name. We will be selecting the follwoing columns in this example:
After selecting the columns click on ok and also ensure that the option Use original column name as prefix is unchecked. click done
After we have selected the necessary columns, we can transform the data. We expand the deployments column to get data of country_deployed_to
, region
and event_deployed_to
After that from the event_deployed_to column
we select the num_affected
people. From the country_deployed_to
column we select the following data:
, iso3
, independent
, is_depreciated
, society_name
and name
.we also change the data type of start_date
and end_date
to datetime. Also we filter out the data for Africa only by selecting 0 (region ID for Africa) from the regions
to the Location field. Also drag the deployments_by_countries
to the color field. Both Location and color fields are located under the Build visual option which is located under the Visualization pane. The visual will get populated with instructions on how to create your first visualization.Access token
located under the Purpose section.Access token
in the Access token field under the Viz settings option in the Format visual tab of the Visualization pane.Style URL
and paste it into the Style URL field.
In the Format visual option click on Visual option. Under the cloropleth layer settings do the following steps
.In order to customize the cloropleth map, we can follow the following steps:
Diverging option should be switched on
For the minimum, Center and Maximum options select the following colors respectively:
Also, the following values should be set for minimum, Center and Maximum options respectively:
column from the data.deployment_by_countries
column and from the dropdown select the Count option.deployment_by_countries
option.Upon completing all the steps, user can adjust the size of the figure as well as customize the axis and chart labels/ titles and sizes.
The following image shows how the map as well as the horizontal bar chart will appear in Power BI.
Mapbox can also be used with python to plot maps. In this example we will be making a choropleth map which is a map composed of colored polygons. It is used to show spatial variation of a quantity. In this example we will be using the px.choropleth_mapbox
function from the Plotly express python library to plot the map. In order to learn more about using Plotly express for making maps using mapbox, users can follow the details here.
Making choropleth Mapbox maps requires two main types of input:
The GeoJSON data is passed to the geojson argument, and the data is passed into the color argument of px.choropleth_mapbox, in the same order as the IDs are passed into the location argument. The GeoJSon data can be downloaded from here.
import requests
import pandas as pd
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
In the code above we import the necessary libraries to be used in plotting the map. These include :
def fetchEvents(start_date_gte):
base_url = ""
offset = 0
page_size = 50
all_results = []
auth_token = "2670a81f5e7146b16e7f9efba63f36b3d7ff97a8"
while True:
params = {
"start_date__gte": start_date_gte,
"offset": offset,
"limit": page_size,
headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {auth_token}"
# Add other headers if needed
response = requests.get(base_url, params=params, headers=headers)
data = response.json()
personnel = data.get("results", [])
if not personnel:
# No more results, break the loop
# Add fetched events to the results list
# Increment offset for the next page
offset += page_size
return all_results
We define a function called fetchEvents
to fetch the data from the Personnel API endpoint. We use start_date_gte
to filter out the personnel data after 2020.
start_date_gte = "2020-01-01T00:00:00" # Replace with your desired start date
personnel_data = fetchEvents(start_date_gte)
df = pd.DataFrame(personnel_data)
In the code above, the fetchEvents
function is called with by specifying start_data_gte
parameter. In this example we fetch the data after 2020. Next the data is converted into pandas dataframe.
# List of columns you want to select
selected_columns = [
# Creating a new DataFrame with selected columns
selected_df = df[selected_columns]
We specify some of the columns which we need in the data and the column names to be selected are described in the list named selected_columns
def extract_nested_value(row, *keys):
result = row
for key in keys:
if result is None:
return None
result = result[key]
return result
except (KeyError, TypeError):
return None
The above function extract_nested_value
is used to extract values from the nested columns/ fields. These fields are nested and contain further information which need to be extracted before using them to plot the map.
columns = [
for column in columns:
selected_df["country_" + column] = selected_df.apply(
extract_nested_value, args=("deployment", "country_deployed_to", column), axis=1
selected_df["country_region_code"] = selected_df.apply(
extract_nested_value, args=("deployment", "region_deployed_to"), axis=1
selected_df["num_affected"] = selected_df.apply(
args=("deployment", "event_deployed_to", "num_affected"),
selected_df.drop(columns="deployment", inplace=True)
selected_df.drop(columns="country_from", inplace=True)
The above code specifies the fields/ columns which are present inside the nested field named deployment
. It further contains three more fields called country_deployed_to
, region_deployed_to
and event_deployed_to
which are also nested fields. The data in country_deployed
field such as name
and iso3
code have been used for making the choropleth map.
# Replace this path with the actual path to your Africa-specific GeoJSON file
geojson_file_path = "path to geojson file"
with open(geojson_file_path) as f:
geojson_data = json.load(f)
# Filter the DataFrame to include only rows where country_region is 0
filtered_df = selected_df[selected_df["country_region"] == 0]
# Count occurrences of each country in the filtered DataFrame
country_counts = filtered_df["country_name"].value_counts().reset_index()
country_counts.columns = ["country_name", "count"]
# Sort the DataFrame in descending order by 'count'
country_counts = country_counts.sort_values(by="count", ascending=False)
filtered_df = filtered_df.merge(country_counts, on="country_name")
In the above code we specify the path of the Africa - specific GeoJSON file and then we open the file and store its contents in the variable geojson_data
. We also selected the data for Africa region by specifying the country_region
as 0. Later we also count the occurances of each country in order to count the deployments done in each African country and store them in the dataframe called filtered_df
# Define diverging color scale and range
color_scale = [
(0, "#41E510"), # Minimum color
(0.1, "#E1C233"), # Center color
(1, "#D64550"), # Maximum color
range_color = [1, 58] # Range of values to be mapped to the color scale
The above code is used to specify the color scale that will be used in plotting the map and also for the horizontal bar chart.
fig_map = px.choropleth_mapbox(
locations="country_iso3", # Replace with the key in your API response
color="count", # Replace with the actual column name in your DataFrame or a color code
mapbox_style=mapbox_style_url, # Use your Mapbox style URL
zoom=2.3, # Adjust the initial zoom level
center={"lat": -1.5, "lon": 18.5}, # Set the initial center of the map for Africa
opacity=0.5, # Set the opacity of the map
# Update Mapbox layout with your Mapbox access token
# Set figure size
fig_map.update_layout(height=800, width=700)
# Update color bar title
# Set bar plot title
fig_map.update_layout(title_text="<b>Deployments in Africa since 2020</b>")
This code creates an interactive choropleth map with Mapbox integration, allowing you to visualize and explore data related to deployments in Africa since 2020. The code is explained as follows:
: The DataFrame containing the data for the choropleth map.geojson_data
: GeoJSON data that defines the boundaries of the geographic regions on the map, in this case it is Africa.locations
: Column in filtered_df that corresponds to the geographic regions (countries) in the map. Here the column containing iso3
codes of the countries is supplied to the locations variable.featureidkey
: Key in the GeoJSON data that matches the locations in the DataFrame.color
: Column in filtered_df used to determine the color intensity of each region.color_continuous_scale
: The color scale to be used for the choropleth map.range_color
: Range of colors for the map.mapbox_style
: URL of the Mapbox style to be used.zoom
: Initial zoom level of the
: Initial center coordinates of the map.opacity
: Opacity of the map.# Create horizontal bar plot figure
fig_bar =
labels={"count": "Country Count"},
fig_bar.update_layout(height=800, width=700)
# Set x and y axis titles with bold text
fig_bar.update_yaxes(title_text="<b>Country Name</b>")
# Set bar plot title
fig_bar.update_layout(title_text="<b>Deployments in Africa since 2020</b>")
The above code is used to make the horizontal bar plot. The figure shows the horizontal bar plot of the countries with the deployments done since 2020. It can be seen that the Sudan has the highest deployments since 2020.